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2013-2014 DAAD Scholarships Applications

It’s time NOW to get prepared for scholarship applications at www.fb.com/DAADNairobi DAAD is the biggest sponsor for scholarships and academic exchange worldwide and we have plenty of full scholarships from Masters to PhD and PostDoc!

You could try and start with a look at the options we have for Master’s candidates: Here.

For In-Country scholarships in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda — deadline is June 20th: http://on.fb.me/ZkPIX5

Dozens of PhD scholarships are offered both in-country and to Germany — deadline 30th September: http://on.fb.me/14meJJz

We have some post-doc programmes for our alumni. The even bigger German scholarship donor for Post-Doc is Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). You can find them under http://AvH.de/

Of course we publish post-doc opportunities whenever we see them: http://bit.ly/Y7OEu4

In case you don’t find a suitable scholarship you should know that you can still study in Germany at NO TUITION FEES in Germany. More than 1000 international programmes entirely taught in English offered in Germany: http://bit.ly/11yG0aX

Dr. Georg Verweyen,
Drs. (Utrecht NL), MA & PhD (Bochum, D)
DAAD Lecturer at Kenyatta University, KENYA

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