In order to arrive at precise cut off points for degree programmes, from this year, the Joint Admissions Board has revised the weighted cluster formula and will use the subject performance index of the candidate in addition to the grade, to calculate the weighted cluster points. The revised formula is shown below;

w - Weighted cluster point
r - Raw cluster performance index of the relevant subjects per cluster. This is a sum of the performance index for all the relevant cluster subjects for the candidate.
m - Sum of the maximum performance index of the relevant cluster subjects used.
api - Aggregate performance index. This is a summation of the performance index of the 7 required subjects for the candidate.
spi - Summation of the maximum subject performance index of the 7 candidates subjects.
The 2012 KCSE results received by JAB from K.N.E.C. now include the performance index (PI) per subject for each candidate in addition to the grade scored. This will be available in the JAB website once the candidate logs into the online revision system.
To make the process of calculating the weighted cluster points using the new formula easy, JAB has provided an online tool which candidates can use after logging into the online revision system.
Courtesy Of JAB Kenya
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