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Top Performing Students - What They Do Different.

1. Self Discipline. Students who excel in examinations are always self disciplined. They have learnt that work comes before play and therefore do all their assignments on time and religiously adhere to the school rules and regulations. Their self discipline translates to respect for others and property. They treat their fellow students, teachers and members of the society the same way they expect to be treated.

 2. Focus and Willingness to be assisted. They do what is right, at the right time, in the right way and in the right place. They are always open and free with their teachers. They therefore readily ask for assistance amongst themselves and from teachers in areas of their weaknesses. They view their teachers as individuals who are out to help them be better persons and not strict authoritarians who are quick to punish them.
3. Passion for Learning. They are ever thirsty for more learning and have developed undying ability to read comprehensively, to write effectively and to speak fluently. They utilise their learning time effectively and gather as varied information as possible on different subjects or topics.

 4. Curious and able to Persevere. They always ask questions in class and go the extra mile to research on topics they are been taught. They are always inquisitive, work extra hard and never give up until their curiosity is satisfied.

 5. Responsible. They are always responsible and their teachers and parents can comfortably rely on them. Should they make any mistake, they are quick to report to teachers. They do not wait for teachers to investigate and find them on the wrong side.

 6. Strong Self Belief.  They have undeterred belief in their capability to perform well in any given examination. They also believe in their teachers, their parents and also in their society.

 7. Grateful and Prayerful.  They acknowledge the importance of prayer and gratitude.  They always appreciate everyone within and around their learning environment, and have trust and faith in their maker; God.

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