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The Government of Kenya has received four(4) scholarships for undergraduate studies in Medicine for the Academic Year 2013/2014 from the Government of the Slovak Republic.
The areas of study include:

Medical Sciences.
Veterinary Medicine.
Dental Surgery.
Pharmaceutical Sciences and
Non-Medical Health Sciences.

The scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation expenses and subsistence allowances for the whole duration of studies. Student will meet the cost of air fare. The studies will be conducted in the Slovak Language following the first year of intensive language preparation.


Applicants must meet the following conditions:
Minimum KCSE Mean Grade of B (Plain) with a minimum of B+ grades in the core subjects for medicine.
Not more than 26 years of age.
Completed Secondary Education in the last Three (3) years (2009 to 2011).
Has KCSE Certificate.


All eligible candidates must read and follow the following guidelines strictly.
Obtain preliminary application forms from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology offices at Teleposta Towers, 27TH Floor, Room 2702. The application forms can also be downloaded from the Ministry’s website http://www.scienceandtechnology.go.ke/index.php/downloads-1/cat_view/15-scholarships (scholarship form)

Completed application forms with attached certified photocopies of ID, academic/professional certificates, transcripts, birth certificate and other testimonials should be addressed to:

Director – Higher Education,
Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology,
P.o Box 9583-00200, Nairobi
Or delivered to Teleposta Towers, 27TH Floor, Room 2702.

The preliminary application forms should reach the Ministry not later than 3RD May, 2013.

Further information about the conditions of the Slovak Government Scholarships are available at  www.studyin.sk   www.vladnestipendia.sk   www.minedu.sk 

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