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Equity Bank Kenya Scholarship - Procedure Of Application For Secondary Scholarships / Bursaries In Kenya

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The Equity Group Foundation (EGF) crystallized as a fully fledged institution in 2010, with its own structures and systems. It attracted services of professionals from both local and international scenes. These professionals have brought in knowledge, expertise and the experience necessary to push the Foundation’s programs with regard to its thematic lines. 

Equity Group Foundation advocates for true socio-economic transformation of the society. Their concept of corporate social responsibility carried out with un-matched philanthropy
has placed the Foundation in a high level. The Foundation advocates for Six (6) thematic pillars, and their grants and donations focus on any of these;

  • Education and Leadership Development
  • Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship
  • Agriculture
  • Health
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Innovation
Education and the selection criteria.

The foundation’s Education pillar’s objective is to provide a safety net that enhances transition of academically gifted students from primary to higher levels of Education and to develop them into social transformational leaders of the future. The foundation has therefore heavily invested in this initiative. In partnership with MasterCard Foundation, USAID Kenya, and UK Aid, the Equity Group Foundation runs a scholarship program dubbed ‘Wings To Fly.’ This is a unique program. Besides providing these academically gifted yet economically disadvantaged students with tuition, books, uniforms and pocket money, they also receive leadership development, career guidance and mentoring to ensure they achieve their full potential.

This program identifies students who rank in the top five (5) percentile in their respective Districts, in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) Examinations. Finalists are then selected based on transparent criteria that define economic need and vulnerability. The finalists are then interviewed by the District Scholarship Selection Board (DSSB) who finally pick the most deserving students for the scholarships. DSSB is composed of; Equity Bank Branch managers, local chiefs, civil society leaders, women representatives and representatives from the Ministry of Education.

University Scholarship and Leadership Program

This is a rigorous internship and leadership development program for top-achieving Kenyan Students. The program runs during the nine to eight months between secondary school completion and university enrolment. It rewards the best students in KCSE with hands-on industry training, one male and one female, within the districts where Equity Bank operates. The selection criteria remains the performance index provided by the Kenya National Examinations Council. The names are then forwarded by the branch managers to the respective DEOs for endorsements.

Ivy League Scholars

Equity Bank Foundation has established networks to enable local students have access to Universities of global repute including Harvard, Yale, Smith College, Princeton, Duke, Brown, Bowdin College, Cornell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, London School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and the Seoul National University in South Korea. 

Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship

Equity Bank Foundation has partnered with MasterCard Foundation to train youths and women across the country. The training enables the persons to improve their money management and business skills.


Head Office,
Upper Hill- Hospital Road, Equity Centre, 9TH Floor,
P.o Box 75104 – 00200, Nairobi.
Tel: 0202262000, 0711026000, 0732112000
Fax: 020-2737276
Email Enquiry: info@equitybank.co.ke Website: www.equitybank.co.ke

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