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The OGRA Foundation

The OGRA Foundation is a community-based organization, Non Governmental Organization founded in the year 2000 by Dr. Hezron Mc’Ombewa.  The main goal of the organization is to promote and improve Health by combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other preventable diseases among residents of eight districts of Nyanza Province: Kisumu, Nyando, Rachuonyo, Kuria, Rongo, Homa-bay, Gucha and Nyamira.

The Ogra Foundation has partnered with Direct Relief, Ministry of Health (Kenya), Aids Population and health Integrated Assistance ii (APHIA ii) to provide;

  • Operation and support for rural clinics and Hospitals.
  • Training and support for home-based care workers.
  • Operation of International School of Medicine and Applied Technology.
  • Provision of educational, vocational and food support to orphans.
  • Assistance with construction and infrastructure development for primary schools.


Located at Obra House, 

Off Awuor Otiende Road, Milimani – Kisumu.

 P.o Box 2684 – 40100, Kisumu. 

Tel: 0737977513, 0713777513, 

Email address: info@ografoundation.org,

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