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In 1945, William Zimdin, an Estonian immigrant who had amassed significant wealth in pre-war Europe, began sending thousands of relief parcels containing food, clothing and medicines to relatives, friends and former employees who were rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of World War II. 

He established the William Zimdin Foundation on August 23, 1948 as California not-for-profit Corporation. Zimdin died in 1951. Immediately, Dezso Karczag, a Hungarian immigrant and Zimdin’s close business ion, assumed management of the organization. The organization then changed its name in 1957 to Direct Relief Foundation. In 1982, the name was then changed to Direct Relief International.

Direct relief provides appropriate and specifically requested medical resources to community based institutions and organizations around the world. Since the year 2000, Direct relief has provided more than $ 1.4 billion in direct aid through medical material assistance and cash grants serving people in need worldwide.

The grants and Donations from Direct Relief International Focuses on:

  • Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
  • Strengthening Health systems
  • Maternal and Child Clinic
  • Primary care Health clinics
  • Special Initiatives (Direct Relief Has a long History of assisting health partners around the world with vital assistance including vitamin A to combat childhood blindness, support at cancer wards, furnished product to clinics in areas with high levels of Malaria and tuberculosis, and a number of other unique projects.)


All the activities and affairs of the organization are managed by Board of Directors. These Directors are volunteers who serve without pay. The board through written delegations of Authority authorizes the CEO, CFO or any other member of staff to manage the day-to-day operations of the organization, subject to limitations that the Board determines.

Postal Address;
Direct Relief International,
27 S. La Patera Lane.
Santa Barbara, CA93117
Phone: (805) 964-4767.
Fax: (805) 681-4838

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