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Rattansi Education Trust Fund

Dr. Hassanally Rattansi took over the management of the Trust following the death of his father, Mohamedally Rattansi, on 28 th July, 1957, and the Chairmanship in 1962. He devoted his life to administering and developing the Trust, and together with his wife, Dr.Vijoo Rattansi (Mrs.), have made it into what it is today, 50 years later. 

He believed that helping others opened values for him. In order to effectively do this, he sold his own business in 1987 in order to devote his energies and talents to the Trust. Even before they sold the business, Hassanally worked for the Trust with a zest only he possessed and started to realize his parents, dream. He did this free of charge and on a daily basis for sixteen years, thus fulfilling his dharmic duty.

With support from the Ford Foundation, Rattansi Educational Trust launched the 'Dr. Hassanally Rattansi Endowment Fund' in the year 2006. A Fund that is to be endowed by all who value education as a means of fighting poverty. Dr. Hassanally Rattansi (1921-2003), believed that, “If God has given you something more than you need, whether it is money or talent, you are only a Trustee. Use what you need and give the rest to the people around you.” The mission of the trust fund is to provide education for the needy in the society to help light up their path to development.  Part of the trust’s objective is to To offer bursaries for needy Kenyans and to assist Kenyans train in courses such as driving and dressmaking if this helps lift up family standards.

How to apply for the bursary

Application for bursaries is done through the respective institutions. For both continuing and new students, the procedure for application can be obtained from the pertinent institutions. Similar information can be obtained from the Rattansi Educational Trust offices in Nairobi Kenya. 

Institutions play a very important role in the vetting of candidates and allocation of bursary. For continuing students, the institutions can provide information on the candidate's need situation. This way, the institutions help the Trust to give priority to the most needy students. In the case of new students, the institution's role in determining real need guides the Trust in giving the bursary. However, the Trust reserves the right to fund or no


Physical Location:
The Rattansi Educational Trust Building Ground Floor, Koinange Street Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. Postal Address: P.O. Box 63302Code: 00619 Muthaiga Nairobi-Kenya
Tel: 254-(020) 2220661
Tel-Fax: +254-(020) 316763. Email: info@rattansieducationaltrust.or.ke

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