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Form One Admission In Kenya 2015 - Form 1 Selection 2015 Kenya

Jacob Kaimenyi - CS Education | Image Courtesy
How to check the secondary school (form one selection 2015) you have been admitted to via SMS and Online:
  • To check the secondary school you have been admitted to online, go to this  Website:  http://www.education.go.ke/ and enter your Index number. 
  • To check the secondary school you have been admitted to via SMS, send an SMS with your Index Number to 20042 from any network.
Form One 2015 Admission In Kenya - Process

The Form One Intake entails the admission into either National, County or District Day Schools depending on the Candidate’s School Choices captured during the year the candidate sat for KCPE.

National Schools distribute both based on candidature and affirmative action thus enabling the each district to get a candidate selected to a National School.

The National School Quota is used to select candidates per Gender and Merit List per District. Cut-Off to each National School is automatically determined based on the last Candidate to be Selected to a given National Schools from a Given District in a County.

County Schools are Selected on a 40% (National): 40% (to Districts within County and Inclusive Home District of the School): 20% (for Home/Host District of the School). Not all County Schools Can attract National Quota and may be allocated quotas to only Districts within host County. (courtesy of softkenya)

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