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Congratulations to all Kenyatta University Graduands

Masomo Yetu wishes congratulate all Kenyatta University Graduands.
Here is a short wish from Masomo Yetu: 
'I’m sitting in this empty dome, yet to be filled with graduands, reminiscing
   Flipping through the images, of my trajectory, stored in my memory.
   I remember back then when dad had no money for my school fees
   His job was barely enough to keep food on the table; Mom was the breadwinner.

   Dad and mom were always arguing; dad was always on the move
   But mom kept breathing down his neck.
   Dad was visited by a chronic illness and he embarked on that immortal journey
   It seemed like everything had fallen apart, but mom kept grinding to ensure I never   lacked; and I kept faith too that everything would be alright.
   I started working hard to see my dreams through, with my eyes fixed on my goals.
   There are many unending walls to be climbed; and tough rows to hoe
   Many demons are out soaking up grease in my engine no matter how greasy I try.

   Sometimes things don’t always play out the way we forecast
   And we don’t make sense to people who always judge our moves
   But everything happens for a reason, sometimes beyond our control
   That’s what destiny is all about?
   I know I’m befuddling your mind now?
   Hush don’t worry too much, rest your brain!

   When I see how much I’ve grown and what I’ve learnt
   It trips me out, though I lay a guilt trip on myself for my aberrations
   The destination is still far away, but surely not a cul-de-sac
   I’ll keep my heads up, with dad’s words: never give up on yourself
   Now I need a mockingbird to sing for my soul on this day'

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