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Safaricom Foundation - Details You Need To Know

safaricom foundation logo - courtesy
Safaricom Foundation was established on August 2003 and is a registered charity funded by Safaricom Limited and the Vodafone Group Foundation. The Foundation provides a formal process for charitable contributions to communities, community groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kenya who are key partners in responding to social and economic development issues in the country.   

The Foundation supports initiatives / projects that provide sustainable solutions to the most pressing social challenges. Its specific focus areas are Education, Health, Economic Empowerment , Environmental Conservation, Arts and Culture, Music and Sports. The Foundation also responds to disasters and humanitarian emergencies. 

The Foundation funds projects that are to be implemented in Kenya by legally constituted and registered community groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs).  The Foundation also has strategic partnerships with a number of NGOs in order to extend our reach to various communities within the country.  
How to submit Proposals.

Organizations can submit proposals directly to the Safaricom Foundation either by post or via email.  Proposals should be submitted in the project proposal format available from the Foundation’s website.(www.safaricomfoundation.org)

How and when the proposals are appraised

The proposals received by the Foundation are appraised on a monthly basis by the Foundation. The review criteria include for example: alignment to the focus areas of the Foundation; the proposed objectives and activities; prospects for community participation; sustainability and the overall strength and viability of the proposal.  Detailed budgets are also required. All proposals are reviewed and assessed on their own merit. If a proposal is approved, the Foundation conducts a review of the recipient organsation’s management and governance capacity and the organization’s capacity to implement the project prior to the issuance of a grant agreement.  

N/B. The mission of Safaricom Foundation is ‘to partner with local communities to address social, economic and environmental issues to foster positive and lasting change.’ They endeavour to support diverse community needs without compromising quality, results and impact.

The Safaricom Foundation’s Direction

The Foundation maintains a broad approach towards responding to community needs. The Foundation aims to spread “its wings” of support to all regions and locations in Kenya and therefore have a footprint throughout the country. The Foundation seeks to support projects that have potential to achieve positive, long- term, social, economic and environmental impact without jeopardising the needs of future generations.
The foundation also supports a variety of projects that address different short and long-term needs of the communities around. These vary from small community projects to large-scale and long-term projects.


All enquiries regarding potential projects in a particular area should be directed to the Foundation office. 

The Safaricom Foundation
Safaricom House
Waiyaki Way
P.O. Box 66827 – 00800
Nairobi Kenya 

email: thefoundation@safaricom.co.ke   website: www.safaricomfoundation.org

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