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UCL Graduate Scholarships Opening

Applications for the African Graduate Scholarships for the academic year 2014-2015 are now open.

The deadline for IGH to receive applications is May 9th, 2014.

African Graduate Scholarships

Co-funded by:
  • CP Charitable Trust
  • Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust
  • International Student House
The scholarships exist to support African nationals with a high-quality academic and professional background who would not be able to sudy at UCL without financial assistance.

The Scholarship is a one-off award for the academic year September-September to study at the UCL Institute for Global Health.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
The candidate must be an African national and a permanent resident of an African  nation at the time of application.

The candidate must have made an application and been accepted to UCL to study for a full-time postgraduate programme at the Institute for Global Health for the coming academic year.

Click this link to apply to the MSc.

The scheme offers a substantial scholarship towards UCL tuition fees, accommodation and some living costs.

The candidate must also be able to provide evidence that he/she has secured other sources of funding for traveling to and from the UK.

Please see the guidelines and application procedures (PDF)
Click this link for the application form