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Breaking News: Kenyan Government Oders Shut Down of All Public Primary Schools

Prof: Jacob Kaimenyi
Nairobi Kenya: The government has ordered the immediate closure of all public primary schools following the teachers’ strike, which is now in its fourth week.

Education Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi said primary schools will remain shut until the standoff between the tutors and the government is resolved.

“The primary school teachers continue to participate in an illegal and unconstitutional strike having refused to comply with the legal directives of the Teachers Service Commission – in other words their employer – which is in breach of their code of employment and law,” he explained.

Kaimenyi however clarified that students in secondary schools will continue with their studies following a deal struck with the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET).
“The government appreciates the agreement made between the Teachers Service Commission and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers that has returned normalcy to post primary institutions,” Kaimenyi said.

Even as he announced the closure of all public primary schools, Kaimenyi sought to assure those sitting their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams this year that arrangements have been made to ensure they are not disenfranchised.

“The government assures all class eight pupils, parents and the public that adequate arrangements have been made to address their situation with respect to their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations,” he said.

Kaimenyi’s assurances have however been criticised by the Consumer Federation of Kenya (COFEK) which threatened to seek legal intervention if the schools are not reopened within seven days.

“That the closure does not affect pupils in private schools, sitting for the same national examinations, can only amount to discrimination against majority pupils from humble backgrounds,” COFEK Program Officer Margaret Obondo indicated.
