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Microsoft Launches YouthSpark (A Life Changing Program For Students):- Also Dubbed Meet a Mentor

About Microsoft YouthSpark.

Microsoft YouthSpark is a new company-wide, global initiative with a goal to address the opportunity divide – a gap between those who have the access, skills, and opportunities to be successful and those who do not – facing young people around the world. 

We aspire to create opportunities for 300 million youth around the world over the next three years through partnerships with governments, non-profit organisations and businesses. Microsoft YouthSpark brings together a range of new, existing and enhanced programs to help tackle this critical issue.

Microsoft YouthSpark marks a new focus for our philanthropy efforts. We are committing the majority of our corporate cash giving to support non-profit organizations that serve youth by providing them with enhanced technology and business training to help them pursue additional education, obtain employment or start a new business or social venture.

The company is also announcing partnerships with non-profits around Africa and the Middle East. We have also developed a range of new youth-focused Citizenship initiatives, including:

Microsoft YouthSpark Hub: 
An online space where young people can explore and access all of the services, programs and resources provided by Microsoft and select non-profit partners for education, skills, employment and entrepreneurship. We know these programs work and we want to ensure that every young person can easily find the opportunities they need

Innovate For Good: 
A global online community enabling youth to collaborate, inspire and support each other while using technology to make a difference in their communities. We know one of the most powerful catalysts for change is young people themselves and bringing this community together across borders and boundaries is a powerful driver of change and opportunity.”

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