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KAAD is offering scholarships to Germany for Master's, PhD and post-doc level!

KAAD is the German Catholic Academic Service for Foreigners. Its programme for sub-Saharan Africa is geared towards development of African countries and societies as well as development of qualified individuals.

Young university graduates, who have already taken over responsibility in church and society, should be empowered to continue along this line and do it in an even more qualified way. Beneficiaries of KAAD-scholarships are predominantly from needy families and display academic excellence. The ultimate aim of our scholarship policy is the promotion of so-called "Agents of Change”.

  • Catholic Christian (or general belong to a Christian denomination). Candidates from other religions can apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to inter-religious dialogue
  • above-average performance in studies and research
  • orientation of studies/research towards permanent reintegration in your home region (otherwise the scholarship is turned into a loan)
  • Religious and social commitment (activities) and willingness to inter-religious dialogue.
  • Master-scholarships should be of the maximum age of 30, while applicants for PhD-scholarships should not be older than 35.
Master's degree or PhD in Germany
This is the biggest scholarship programme for KAAD. An additional requirements applies: German language skills before starting the studies (KAAD can provide a language course of max. 6 months in Germany)

In-Country Programme
In the focus countries Ghana, Kenya and Zimbabwe, there is – within the S1-programme – also the possibility for Master-scholarships at local universities (so called “in-country scholarships”). The in-country scholars together with the alumni are convening in local KAAD-networks that aim at making an impact in church and society of their home countries.

Application time frame
Applications to be tabled in the March-session of the selection board need to be complete by end of November the previous year. Applications for the September selection need to be complete by end of June.

Local Partners
Dr. Elias Lewi Teklemariam
Regional KAAD Partner Committee f
or the Horn of AfricaAddis Ababa UniversityP. O. Box 1176 Addis Abeba    
Msgr. Dr. John Opoku-Agyemang
Regional KAAD Partner Committee of West AfricaCatholic University Chaplaincy  
University of Science & Technology
Dr. John Kabutha Mugo
Regional KAAD Partner Committee of East AfricaP.O. Box 10565—00100 Nairobi
Dr. David Kaulem
Regional KAAD Partner Committee of Southern AfricaArrupe College16 Link Road
P. O. Box 320
Mt. Pleasant Harare    

Prof. Nazaire Bitoto Abeng
Comité Local du KAAD
Université CatholiqueB.P. 11628 Yaoundé
Uganda Fr. Dr. Lawrence Kanyike
Local KAAD Partner Committee Catholic University ChaplaincyMakarere University  
P.O. Box 7062

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