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Daystar University

Courtesy Of Daystar University
Quick Facts About Daystar University:

The University was founded in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, by S.E Motsoko-Pheko, a political refugee from South Africa and Dr. Donald Smith & Mrs. Faye Smith, an American missionary couple. The name ‘Daystar’ is derived from the Bible (2nd Peter 1:19), which is used to describe Jesus Christ. With this in mind, every member of Daystar University is encouraged to emulate Jesus Christ in behaviour, lifestyle and speech.

The University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research. Daystar University strives for excellence in its teaching and research methods. The University is well known for quality in teaching. Training is personalized and by highly qualified faculty.

Pre-University and daytime undergraduate programmes are offered at the Athi River Campus situated on the edge of the Athi plains on the slopes of the Lukenya Hills, about 40 kilometres from downtown Nairobi. Diploma courses, postgraduate programmes, day and evening undergraduate programs are offered at Nairobi Campus. The university also offers daytime pre-university studies at the Nairobi Campus.

The university recently opened the Mombasa campus, at Apollo House, Moi Avenue. The campus offers day and evening undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Built on 300 acres of land, the University’s Athi River Campus is 40 kilometers from Nairobi and is home to about 1,500 students both local and international.

Contact Information:

Daystar University - Athi River Main Campus

Cell Phone: 0724 256408/9 0735 992991/3 

Tel: 045 6622601/2/3 

Email: info@daystar.ac.ke

P.o Box 17-90145,
Daystar University

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