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Embu College is Registered by the Ministry of Education (P/TC/877/13), Ministry of Higher Education (MHEST/PC/1094/08) and Fully accredited By KASNEB (KAS/F/028).

Embu College Offers both Diploma and Degree Courses (They have collaborated with both JKUAT and Laikipia University to offer select degree Programmes). Students pursuing Degree Courses benefit from HELB loans. Embu College equally awards bursaries and Scholarships to JKUAT and Laikipia University students pursuing Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates.

All KNUT members, their spouses and children enjoy 15% discount on tution. The College operates flexible modes of study which includes: Full time, school based, evening, weekend only classes and block releases.


Located 200 meters from Embu Law Courts.
P.o Box 956-60100, Embu, Kenya.
Tel: 068-30247, 0721152709, 30120, 30961.
Email: embucollege@yahoo.co.uk
Site: www.embucollege.com

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